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Listen now on iTunes or subscribe to the podcast on your smartphone to take the audio course with you anywhere, and even listen to it offline! የድምፅ ቅጂውን በአይ ቱንስ ላይ ወይም በፖድካስት ላይ በመመዝገብ በስልክዎት ዳውንሎድ በማድረግ መስማት ይችላሉ።

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የዳሉ የድምፅ ቅጂዎች ምንግዜም ከእርስዎ ጋር እንዲሆኑ በጉግል ፕሌ ወይም በአይ ቱንስ ፖድካስትስ መጠቀም ይችላሉ። በኛ ዌብሳይት ላይ በቀጥታ መስማትም ይቻላል!

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Introduction - i - የቋንቋው ታሪክ History of Mandarin Chinese

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Introduction - ii - የቻይንኛ ፅሑፍ ውበትና ስርዓት The Chinese Writing System

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Introduction - iii - ቶኖች ምንድን ናቸው? Tones in Mandarin Chinese

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Introduction - iv - ፒንይን: ቻይንኛን በእንግሊዘኛ ፊደላት የምናነብበት ዘዴ Pinyin

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 1a - ሰላምታ በቻይንኛ Greetings

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 1b - ሰላምታ በቻይንኛ Greetings (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 2a - እራስን ማስተዋወቅ Introducing Yourself

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 2b - እራስን ማስተዋወቅ Introducing Yourself (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 3a - እንግዳን ሲቀበሉ Talking to a Guest

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 3b - እንግዳን ሲቀበሉ Talking to a Guest (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 4a - ዜግነትን መግለፅ Nationalities

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 4b - ዜግነትን መግለፅ Nationalities (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 5a - ስለቋንቋዎች ሲናገሩ Languages

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 5b - ስለቋንቋዎች ሲናገሩ Languages (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 6a - ምግብ ማዘዝ ቁ. 1 Ordering Food #1

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 6b - ምግብ ማዘዝ ቁ. 1 Ordering Food #1 (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 7 - ቁጥሮች በቻይንኛ Numbers

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 8 - ቅደም ተከተልን እንዴት እንደምንገልፅ Ordinal Numbers

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 9 - የመጠን መለኪያ ቃላት Measure Words

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 10b - ምግብ ማዘዝ ቁ. 2 Ordering Food #2

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 10b - ምግብ ማዘዝ ቁ. 2 Ordering Food #2 (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 11a - ስለቤተሰብ መናገር Family

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 11b - ስለቤተሰብ መናገር Family (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 12a - ሰለስራ መደቦች Professions

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 12b - ሰለስራ መደቦች Professions (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 13a - ገበያ ሲሄዱ Shopping

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 13b - ገበያ ሲሄዱ Shopping (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 14a - ጊዜ እና ሰዓት Time

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 14b - ጊዜ እና ሰዓት Time (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 15a - የጊዜ ሰዋሰው Grammar of Telling Time

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 15b - የጊዜ ሰዋሰው Grammar of Telling Time (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 16a - ያለፈን ተግባር መግለፅ Event That Happened in The Past

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 16b - ያለፈን ተግባር መግለፅ Event That Happened in The Past (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 17a - ያለተፈፀመን ተግባር መግለፅ Event That Did Not Happen

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 17b - ያለተፈፀመን ተግባር መግለፅ Event That Did Not Happen

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 18a - ሰባቱን ቀናትን እና አስራሁለቱን ወራት እንዴት እንደምንገፅ Days & Months

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 18b - ሰባቱን ቀናትን እና አስራሁለቱን ወራት እንዴት እንደምንገፅ Days & Months (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 19 - የዓመተ ምህረት አገላለፅ Years

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 20a - መንገድ ላይ ቁ.1 On the Road #1

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 20b - መንገድ ላይ ቁ.1 On the Road #1 (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 21a - መንገድ ላይ ቁ.2 On the Road #2

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 21b - መንገድ ላይ ቁ.2 On the Road #2 (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 22a - የትርፍ ጊዜዎን ሲያሳልፉ Hobbies

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 22b - የትርፍ ጊዜዎን ሲያሳልፉ Hobbies (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 23 - ስልክ፥ ቴክስትና ኢሜይል Telephone, Text & Email

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 24a - ቀለማትና አልባሳት Colors & Clothes

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 24b - ቀለማትና አልባሳት Colors & Clothes (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 25a - ሆስፒታል ሲሄዱ Going to the Hospital

by Lina Getachew Ayenew

Chapter 25b - ሆስፒታል ሲሄዱ Going to the Hospital (Dialogue)

by Lina Getachew Ayenew