ሊና ጌታቸው አየነው
ሊና “ዳሉ ቻይንኛን በቀላሉ” የተሰኘው የቻይንኛ መማርያ መፅሐፍ ፀሐፊ ናት። አዲስ አበባ ከተማ ነው ተወልዳ ያደገችው። ከዬል ዩኒቨርሲቲ /Yale University/ የመጀመሪያ እና የማስተርስ ዲግሪዎችዋን ካገኘች በኋላ ቻይና ሀገር በሚገኝ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ውስጥ ሌክቸረር ሆኖ የማገልገል ዕድል ባገኘችበት ጊዜ ነው ቋንቋውን ለመማር የቻለችው። የዛን ጊዜ ዕድሜዋ 24 ነበር። ቋንቋውን የመማር ፍላጎት ስለነበራት በጣም ደስተኛ ነበረች። እንደገናም ደግሞ የአማርኛ ፊደሎች የቻይንኛ ቃላትን ከእንግሊዘኛ ፊደሎች ይልቅ በተሻለ ሁኔታ እንደሚገልፁ ተገነዘበች። ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ከተመለሰች በኋላ የቻይና እና የሀገሯ ኢትዮጵያ ግንኙነት ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እየጠነከረ ከመምጣቱም ባሻገር ለኢትጵያውያን የሚሆኑ የቻይንኛ መማሪያ መፅሐፎች ብዙ እንደሌሉ አየች። ለዛም ብላ ነው ይህን መፅሐፍ ለማዘጋጀት ጉጉት ያደረባት። በአሁኑ ሰዓት ሊና ከባለቤትዋ ናታን ጋራ በቻይና ሀገር በቤጂንግ ከተማ ትገኛለች።
Lina Getachew Ayenew
Lina is the creator of Dalu: Introduction to Chinese for Amharic Speakers. Lina grew up in Ethiopia and is a native speaker of Amharic, the official language of the country. After graduating from Yale University with her undergraduate and master’s degrees, she got a great opportunity to teach public health at a university in China with the Yale-China Fellowship. It was then that Lina began to learn Chinese, almost at the age of 24. She loved it! She also noticed that a lot of the Chinese sounds could be easily captured with the Amharic alphabet. When she returned to Ethiopia after living and working in China, she browsed Ethiopian course stores looking for materials that could help Ethiopians learn Chinese. Given how intimate the relationship between Ethiopia had become, she was surprised that Chinese-learning materials were almost non-existent. So she decided to create one. Lina currently resides in Beijing with her husband, Nathan.

ዩንጂ ጀንግ
ዩንጂ የግራፊክ ዲዛይን ባለሞያ ናት። ለእርዳታ ድርጅቶች የማርኬቲንግ እና የማስታወቂያ ስራዎችን የምታከናውን ሲሆን የቢዝነስ አድሚኒስትሬሽን ልምድም አላት። የባህል ልውውጥ እና ቋንቋዎች ለዩንጂ ትልቅ ቦታ አላቸው። ይህም የሆነው ቱርክ ሀገር ያደገች የኮሪያ ዜጋ ስለሆነችና ብዙ ቋንቋዎችን ስለምትናገር ይሆናል። ዩንጂ “ዳሉ ቻይንኛን በቀላሉ” የተሰኘው መፅሐፍ እና ዌብሳይት ላይ የተለያዩ ዲዛይኖችን የምታቀርብ ሲሆን የሊና ጥሩ ጓደኛም ናት። ሌሎች ስራዎችዋን ለማየት ዌብሳይቷን www.yoonjijung.com መጎብኘት ትችላላችሁ።
Yoonji Jung
Yoonji is a self-taught graphic designer who focuses on crafting marketing materials for non-profit organizations. She also has a background in Business Administration, and is able to understand her clients’ financial goals. Yoonji is especially drawn to cultural exchanges and language acquisition. This is perhaps due to the fact that she is a Korean national who grew up in Turkey. She became involved with Dalu: Introduction to Chinese for Amharic Speakers because she was drawn to the fact that it was building cultural bridges (and because her friend Lina would not let her say no!). She designs materials for the project on a free-lance basis. Feel free to take a look at her portfolio on her website, www.yoonjijung.com

ሆንግጅ ዋንግ
ሆንግ ጅ ዋንግ የቻይንኛ ቋንቋ አስተማሪ ስትሆን በዘርፉም የ20 ዓመት ልምድ አላት። በሥራዋ ከሁሉም ነገር የሚያስደስታት የውጪ ሀገር ዜጎች ቻይንኛ በሚማሩበት ወቅት ችግር ሲያጋጥማቸው መርዳት ነው። በአሜሪካ ሀገር የሚገኙ የቻይንኛ ተማሪዎችን (አንደኛ ደረጃ፥ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ፥ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎችን ጨምሮ) የማስተማር ልምድ አካብታለች። ለአዋቂዎችም ኮርሶችን ታዘጋጃለች። ሆንግጅ ከቋንቋውም በተረፈ የቻይና ባህል ውስጥ ትልቅ ቦታ ያለው የውብ የአፃፃፍ ዘይቤ (calligraphy) አስተማሪም ናት። ከዚህ በፊት ደግሞ በተለያዩ ጋዜጣዎች እና በሬዲዮ ፕሮግራሞች ላይ ልምዷን ታካፍል ነበር። ሆንግጅ የሊና አስጠኚ የነበረች ሲሆን የመፅሐፉ አዘጋጅና ከስህተት ነፃ እንዲሆን ትልቅ አስተዋፅዎ ያደረገች ባለሞያ ናት። በተጨማሪም የድምፅ ቅጂዎቹ ውስጥ በልምምድ ምዕራፎቹ ላይ ልታዳምጧት ትችላላችሁ።
Hongzhi Wang
Hongzhi Wang has been teaching Chinese for about 20 years. She is passionate about solving learning problems for foreign students of the Chinese language. Her vast experience includes teaching in Chinese to elementary, high school, college students in the United States and designing courses for adults. She also teaches Chinese calligraphy, publishes articles on newspapers and has hosted a radio show. Hongzhi use to be Lina’s Chinese tutor and has helped edit Dalu: Introduction to Chinese for Amharic Speakers. She is also the female voice actor in the audio lessons.